sImportant things to note before publishing a page


Everyone wants a good website that will bring in traffic and at least revenue at the end of the day. Before getting that domain or host, you might want to make sure you have the right website to get to the right target audience. Here is on page optimization checklist that you should consider before creating a stunning website or even investing in it. writing content and publishing is not the end of a website for it needs more than just writing. Anyone can write but not everyone can maintain and reliable website that will keep the audience glued to their phones or computers.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is common among professional websites with the intention of growing a reliable platform for a certain topic or agenda. With the big search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bingo, website owners need to make sure their pages can be found online within a very minimal time. Page optimization comes in when you want to keep a certain audience because of a certain topic or content that you create. For instance, a political website will keep the audience who are interested in politics related topics. With these in mind, then you can be able to know about On-page optimization checklist that can help you secure traffic to your page or website. The basic things you need to check out are keywords, links, URL, copywriting among others. All these will help in ranking your page higher than others on google which is a plus to your website.

The keyword is very important on every page as it makes the readers’ work simple with simple page interface. The links too are very important aspect on a page for it redirects the reader on to other prospects of the site. Another paramount aspect is the URL which acts the backbone of the site. Optimizing the URL such that when put on a search engine, the page can be found immediately is important so as to keep traffic on the right track. Another aspect is the content on the page. What keeps the audience coming is what you offer them and how well you package them. However, the audience will not visit your site many times if you just have good interface without the body which is carried mostly by the content. Remember that you are in competition with other sites which offers the same content or even better than yours, what is your selling point? Lastly, have an engaging content or hat you offer on the site. If it is articles, make it conversational such that the reader can easily understand and relate without having to think so hard. With that said, the on-page optimization checklist is important before thinking f launching your site to the public.