Installing electronic devices in the commercial motor vehicles has become mandatory. While most of the drivers or carriers bid farewell to their traditional paper logbooks, some are yet reluctant about the switch. However, the drivers that opted for electronic logs are overwhelmingly gratified with the outcomes they have received.
Are you eager to know the reasons that compelled the drivers to choose electronic tracking devices over the logbooks? If yes, go through the following points:
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Ease of Use
People are greatly reliant on the smartphones these days. However, switching to e-logs directly from paper logs require a small learning curve. Since, the truckers and drivers these days are quite accustomed to using the smartphones; they find it easier to operate an ELD as well. One doesn’t need to be a tech expert in order to comprehend how an ELD works. ELDs are extremely easy to use and come with certain editing features. Also, the advent of this device has improved communication among the DOT officers and the truckers on the highways.
Electronic logs lessen the burden of editing and recording logs as the conditions demand. The logging apps precisely record information and further make the data accessible to fleets and drivers. The E-log users use that information to identify the general trends, prepare quarterly reports and plan aptly for the upcoming days.
E-logs lessen HOS Violations
The violations related to hours of service are indeed the most common and avoidable situations that the drivers come across on the road. E-logs allow the truckers to have greater control over some of the many intricate logging tasks that lead to violations when performed on paper. Law enforcement recorded comparatively fewer violations related to hours-of-service when ELDs are in use.
Speedy Inspections
The installation of ELDs also eliminates varied manner and form violations and curbs the chances of hours-of-service issues. ELDs also make inspection procedure easier. The ELDs , when maintained aptly, becomes easier for the officers to verify and read when a trucker is stopped for inspection.
Protection Against Coercion
With ELDs, the chances of drivers getting away with the violations related to hours-of-service are minimal. FMCSA started enforcing the Driver Coercion Rule right after proposing the ELD mandate. The rule prohibits the managers or officers from coercing drivers to work or operate, violating the FMCSA regulations. E-logs enable accurate record-keeping that makes violations related to hours-of-service hard to miss.
The ELD mandate, as proposed by the FMCSA, requires all trucks and commercial motor vehicles to run on ELDs in order to avoid violations. The earlier the switch, the more opportunities the truckers get to reap out the utmost advantages. One of the major reasons that the drivers are switching to electronic logs is indeed to become acquainted with the electronic devices while enhancing their ability to maintain or edit the duty status. The logbook app, for instance, enable drivers to edit the logs involving driving time with ease. E-logs undoubtedly offers one with greater advantages as compared to the paper logs.