Children’s and video games


Playing video games (playing video games) has become a popular activity for people of all ages. Many children and teenagers spend a huge amount of time playing them. Video games are a multi-billion dollar industry — creating more money than movies and DVDs. Video games have become very sophisticated and realistic games. Some games connect to the Internet, allowing children and teenagers to play online with unknown adults and peers.

While some games have educational content, most of these popular games emphasize negative themes and promote:

  • Killing people or animals
  • The use and abuse of drugs and alcohol
  • Criminal behavior, disrespect for authority and laws
  • Sexual exploitation and violence against women
  • Racial, sexual and gender stereotypes
  • The use of indecent words, obscenities and obscene gestures.

There is growing research on the effects of video games on children. Some video games can promote learning, help in problem solving and in the development of motor skills and coordination. However, there is concern about the effect violent video games have on young people who play them too much.

Studies of children exposed to violence have shown that they can: become “immune” or insensitive to the horror of violence, imitate the violence they see and demonstrate more aggressive behavior due to greater exposure to violence. Some children accept violence as a way to handle problems. Studies have also shown that the more realistic and repeated the exposure to violence, the greater the impact on children. In addition, children with emotional, behavioral and learning problems can be affected more by violent images.

Children and teenagers can get too involved and even obsessed with 파워볼게임. Spending large amounts of time playing these games can create problems that lead to:

  • Poor social skills
  • Take time away from family, school work and other hobbies
  • Lower grades and less read
  • That you exercise less and gain overweight
  • Aggressive thoughts and behaviors.

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Tips for Parents

Parents can help their children enjoy these games and avoid problems by:

  • Collate the evaluation of the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) in the game box for game content
  • Select appropriate games — both in content and in development level
  • Play video games with your children, to experience the game content
  • Establish clear rules about the content of the games and the time they can devote to playing them, either inside or outside the home
  • Clearly warn children about the potential for serious danger of contacts and relationships on the Internet while they are playing online games
  • Talking with other parents about your family’s rules about video games
  • Remembering that you are the model for your child — including the video games used as an adult.

If parents are concerned that their child is spending a lot of time playing video games or appears to be worried or obsessed with aggressive or violent video games, they must first set certain limits (for example — allow him to play the games for an hour after school homework is over) and try to encourage the child to participate in other activities. If concerns about the child’s behavior or the effects of video games continue, a consultation with a qualified mental health professional may be helpful.