Gamers Brave Cold for Playstation Four Launch


Thursday, people lined out upside the cold for hours to get their hands on the brand new Playstation 4. They were staking out Best Buy stores, Game Stops and other venues where they could pick up Sony’s new console. The game system went on sale at midnight and there were more than a few who wanted to be one of the first to get their hands on the the controller. A Best Buy electronics store in Elkridge, Maryland saw a line of about 100 people getting ready to buy and play the PS4. “I’m not planning on sleeping tonight. I’ve got a 6-hour energy drink. I’m all set.” Gamer George Nelums said.

The Playstation 4 wasn’t the only console making people stand outside and wait this week. Microsoft also released the new version of the Xbox, the Xbox One. In some venues like Manhattan, game console companies took pity on those that were willing to line up in the cold to get their hands on a new console. Sony rented out an entire hotel for those that were waiting, had around 500 people show up to check out videos and wait for the launch of the console at midnight. Many people had pre-ordered the console beforehand so that they were sure to get one when they actually arrived at the store.

Some people weren’t there just for personal pleasure. One couple, Matt and Tammy Nyers of Maryland bought two consoles. They got one for themselves, and then they got on that they plan on putting on Ebay. Those that won’t stand in line or find that they are unable to order the new console for weeks will pay big money for one, and that could potentially drive the bids on Ebay for one to ridiculously high prices. This is a crucial time for Sony who has to compete with the Xbox One launch being at the same time as their own. This is the first time that they have redesigned the Playstation console in more than seven years.