The Many Appliances of Conductive Inks


Conductive Inks have been silently working in the background for a few years already, with innovative uses, such as providing a conductive pathway for vehicle radio antennas. You may have wondered why auto makers stopped using the telescopic types, and the answer is to embed a thin membrane into the rear window that is used as a radio antenna, and there’s another in the same location, to defrost the rear glass in the winter.

Circuit Boards

Printed circuit boards have changed dramatically, and conductive inks can print complex conductive pathways, which is what sits inside your PC keyboard. The special membrane is placed under the keys, and pressing one activates the right circuit, and as technology advances and new innovative composite materials like graphene emerge, conductive inks will be right there to provide cost effective solutions. If your company is searching for a specific conductive ink, Centre Colours in Leeds, are the people to talk to. They focus on the ink and paint industry, providing unique solutions across a range of industries, and once they are aware of your needs, their team can get to work to create the ideal formula.

Cost Effective Conductive Pathing

Using this technology, it is possible to create intricate pathways on small boards without wasting valuable material, and as devices become smaller, Nano technology is used to forge the pathways to power tiny devices that we take for granted. Inks and paints are becoming closer in terms of their possible properties, and with other substances, it is possible to carve out electrical paths on just about any substrate. Many materials are wafer thin, and can be rolled, much like paper, as you may have seen with the very latest in TV screens, which can simply be unrolled and fixed to a wall, and you have a high resolution screen that is very portable.


Some of the very best discoveries and inventions were the by-product of a search for something else, and graphene emerged as a result of one scientist who wondered what the outcome would be if you keep reducing the thickness of graphite, which is a very common material, and the result was astonishing, as the material could be reduced to the thickness of a single atom, and yet still maintain an incredibly strong molecular structure. The implications for future technology are enormous, and with conductive inks as a partner with graphene, anything is possible. Imagine a smartphone that was made from graphene and was absolutely indestructible (including the screen) and was also incredibly light? Graphene makes this, and a lot more, possible, and the future looks bright, as the world continues to find new and innovative ways to transmit data.

If you think that conductive inks could do something for your business, there are online experts who specialise in finding solutions for industry, and all they need to know is your requirements, and they will formulate the perfect solution.